Is uneven heating leaving you with hot and cold spots in your home? While this is a fairly common problem, it’s actually a sign that something is not functioning correctly with your heating and cooling system. Many people ignore hot and cold spots because they assume that this problem is simply something that must be lived with. In reality, uneven heating in your home can lead to:
- Energy waste caused by the need to constantly “crank up” the heat in cold spots.
- Unnecessarily high heating bills.
- Premature burnout of your furnace or heating system caused by your system being overstrained.
- Constant feelings of discomfort due to either being “too hot” or “too cold” when spending time in different areas of the house.
Stop living without the comfort you deserve. Anyone who has ever paid a heating bill knows that there’s nothing worse than paying to heat a home that never quite feels like it’s at the right temperature. The first step to fixing uneven heating in your home is simply learning that this is not normal. The second step is learning about the reasons why some homes have uneven heating. Take a look at the potential causes behind why your home is being heated unevenly.
1. Your HVAC System Is Old
If you have an older HVAC system, it simply may not be able to keep up with your home’s heating needs. Many people believe that there’s never any need to replace an old HVAC system unless it stops working. Yes, there’s value in trying to get as many years out of a system as possible. However, there’s a bigger picture to look at when doing a cost analysis for replacing an old HVAC system. If your heating system is decades old, there’s a good chance that it’s also decades behind in efficiency. Upgrading to a new high-efficiency system could essentially allow the upgrade to “pay for itself” in the form of lower monthly heating bills. An older system is probably not working at full capacity. As a result, you’re paying to run a lagging, strained system that’s inefficient compared to today’s models. Upgrading to one of the newer HVAC systems available could reduce your home’s heating and cooling costs by 20%.
2. Poorly Sealed Windows
It’s possible that your home is being heated unevenly due to a problem that’s beyond your actual heating system. Old windows are often responsible for hot and cold spots in a home. When windows are improperly sealed, they don’t probably keep cold air out while trapping in warm air in an efficient way. The problem tends to be worse in homes with larger windows. Consider having windows re-caulked if you suspect air leakage. If your windows are very old and worn out, replacing them may help to keep your home properly sealed.
3. A Poorly Placed Thermostat
Did you know that the location of your thermostat can actually affect your heating system’s efficiency? That’s because your heating system will base its “baseline” on the conditions in the room where the thermostat is installed. This can easily lead to discrepancies if your thermostat is placed in a location that isn’t necessarily representative of the rest of the home. One of the big mistakes people make is to place a thermostat right next to the front door, side door, or door leading to the garage because these are all convenient spots for adjusting the temperature when entering and exiting the house. However, the constant opening and closing of the door can cause breezes of hot and cold air to affect the temperature reading on the thermostat. Homeowners should also avoid placing thermostats on exterior-facing walls in their homes. Interior walls provide a more accurate reading of the home’s internal temperature without influence from the outside.
4. Dirty or Clogged Filters
When was the last time you had your HVAC unit’s filters changed? Filters are responsible for trapping dirt, debris, and particulates that are in the air to improve the air quality in your home. It’s important to change filters every few weeks based on the “air pollution” factors affecting your home. For instance, a household with pets will require more frequent changes compared to a home without pets. The schedule for changing filters can also vary by furnace model.
5. Leaky Air Ducts
A leak in your air ducts could be preventing warm air from moving through the system efficiently to reach every room. A leak is often the case when rooms located farthest from the heater aren’t warming up to match the rest of the house. Holes and cracks can form in ductwork due to age, poor insulation, structural damage, or damage caused by pests and rodents. If you suspect that a leaky air duct is behind your home’s uneven heating, it’s important to bring in a professional to inspect your ducts. In some cases, sealing holes and cracks can stop the issue.
6. Blocked Vents or Ducts
In addition to checking for torn ducts, homeowners should also be looking for blocked ducts and vents when their heating systems begin heating a home unevenly. It’s possible for your home’s vents and ducts to become blocked by an accumulation of dirt, dust, hair, and household debris. The buildup can potentially be enough to obstruct airflow to the point where a home is experiencing uneven temperatures. The easiest solution for addressing blocked vents or ducts is to have your ducts and vents professionally cleaned. Of course, prevention is truly the best option when it comes to keeping your vents and ducts free of debris. Homeowners should schedule routine HVAC maintenance that includes duct and vent cleaning. This isn’t just a matter of keeping your HVAC system running in top condition. The debris that becomes trapped in ducts and vents can be harmful to people and pets! Finally, it’s also important to check if objects in your homes could be blocking airflow from your vents. Avoid placing furniture, appliances, or long drapes over vent fixtures in your home.
7. A Broken Component
It’s also possible that one of the hundreds of components keeping your HVAC system running has rusted, corroded, broken, or malfunctioned in a way that is restricting proper output and airflow from your heating system. Don’t waste any time when it comes to bringing a professional in to assess the situation. The reason why speed is important is simply because continuing to put stress on a compromised component can take you from dealing with uneven heating in your home to a completely nonfunctional heating system.
Get Help for Uneven Home Heating in Newark, Delaware
Hot and cold spots in your home do more than simply make your household feel uncomfortable. Uneven heating is a sign that something is wrong with your heating system. Ignoring the issue could lead to:
- Poor indoor air quality that threatens your health.
- Unnecessarily high energy bills.
- Energy waste.
- A broken furnace.
Contact Delaware Heating & Air Conditioner Service for help with uneven heating in Newark, Delaware. We serve residential and commercial clients throughout New Castle County. Our trained technicians will assess the situation to look for solutions that can repair or restore damaged, broken, or compromised parts of your HVAC system. When possible, we’ll provide options that allow you to get your system running as efficiently as possible. We can also assist you if the best option for getting your home heated evenly again is to upgrade to a newer energy-efficient system.
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