Is maintaining your commercial HVAC system just another unnecessary expense? Some business owners are inclined to think so. Unfortunately, an HVAC system that isn’t operating at full capacity can make everyone miserable and cost your business even more money.

At Delaware Heating and Air, we understand how important your HVAC system is to keeping your operation up and running all year long. That’s why we recommend that commercial property and business owners have their air conditioning systems serviced in the spring and their heating system tuned up in the fall.

These regular seasonal checkups frequently are all that is required to keep your HVAC system performing like a champ.

If you’re still not convinced, take a closer look at how HVAC maintenance benefits your business.

1. Increase Equipment Longevity

No matter how much you spend on maintenance and repair of an existing HVAC system, the amount will always be dwarfed by how much it costs to replace one or more components of that system. Remember that your HVAC system is made up of numerous mechanical parts. Wear and tear are par for the course of ordinary operation, but regular maintenance ensures that these don’t take a larger toll on your system than is necessary. Equipment that is well maintained runs smoothly and will not need to be replaced as soon as equipment that has been ignored for several years.

2. More Predictable Performance

What happens to your operation when your HVAC system stops working? In the summer, a breakdown can mean that it is unbearably hot in your building. Your workers and the equipment they use will get overheated, and any customers who might visit your building will soon leave. The story is the same in the winter. How well can your employees work when they are shivering with cold? Is there equipment that is a critical part of your operations that might malfunction as a result of the cold?

You definitely do not want to have to shut down your business because of an HVAC system breakdown in either hot or cold weather. If you choose to have regular HVAC maintenance performed, this is a scenario that most likely can be avoided.

3. Keep Operational Costs Down

As a business owner or the owner of commercial property, you have to pay regular utility bills to keep the lights on and the HVAC system running. This type of cost is expected and inevitable in business.

However, it goes without saying that you would prefer to keep these expected operational costs to an absolute minimum. Having a well-maintained HVAC system can definitely help you do that.

When any HVAC system is not running as smoothly as it should, utility bills have a tendency to creep upward. Faulty equipment or poor maintenance makes the various components of the HVAC system worker harder than they should have to, and these problems also may cause the system to run much longer than is truly necessary.

What this all boils down to is increased month-to-month operational costs for you. Compare that cost with the expense of having a little routine maintenance performed on your HVAC system, and you will quickly see which one saves you a lot of money.

4. Predictable Performance

This is an especially critical consideration if your operation involves any sensitive mechanical or electronic equipment. Chances are good that this equipment needs to be kept at a consistent temperature to keep it functional and operational. What happens when the temperature in your building gets too hot or too cold? Then, you might find yourself facing a shutdown and even more expensive repairs to that equipment.

However, when your HVAC system is well-maintained, you and your equipment can appreciate having predictable performance no matter the season. Whether the sun is blazing in the middle of the summer or the snow is piling up in the winter, your business will always be the precise temperature that you need and want it to be.

5. A Return on Investment That You Can Appreciate

As a businessperson, you have learned to weigh the return on investment, or ROI, for all of your decisions. At Delaware Heating & Air, we understand how critical ROI is to you, that is why we can provide you with an estimate sheet before your service is performed that will clearly show you your:

  • Available utility rebate;
  • Annual energy savings expressed in kilowatts or therms;
  • Net price after application of the rebate;
  • Annual cost savings expressed in dollars; and
  • The payback period.

Many of our clients are surprised to learn that a rebate actually can cover the full cost of the maintenance or repair. This means that they get an instant payback. If the rebate does not cover the entire cost of the service, then the estimate will tell you how long the maintenance will pay for itself. Our clients frequently are thrilled to see that the service they paid for will be paid back in months rather than years.

6. Maintenance Keeps an Expert in the Loop

Here is another reason why routine maintenance is such a huge benefit for your business. However, most people never even consider it.

Each time a maintenance or repair service is performed on your HVAC system, you benefit from having an expert set of eyes examining every component of that system. This makes it possible to head off potential problems before they become big issues.

Here is a sampling of what an experienced technician will do while performing a seasonal service:

  • Clean components such as the evaporator, condenser cooling coils, drain pan and drain line;
  • Check refrigerant levels;
  • Clean and align blower components;
  • Check burner combustion and the pressure of the gas or oil;
  • Look for leaks or cracks in the heat exchanger; and
  • Inspect the oil and gas connections.

Delaware Heating & Air’s experienced technicians look at all of these things and more during each seasonal tune-up. This means that there are twice-a-year opportunities to spot anything that might be about to go wrong. Accordingly, you have a much better chance of avoiding any unexpected breakdowns no matter how unpredictable the weather gets.

7. Happier Customers

Do you regularly welcome customers and clients into your office or other commercial setting? If so, then you want to ensure that they are comfortable and have a positive experience. Unfortunately, if your business is sweltering in the summer or freezing in the winter, then you’re not really making the best impression.

Customers who are comfortable are much easier to satisfy. They are more likely to stay on site longer so that they have a better opportunity to sample your products and services. Plus, customers who enjoy their experience at your place of business once are much more prone to becoming loyal, repeat customers.

You can keep your customers happier when you ensure their comfort with regular HVAC maintenance.

Talk with Delaware Heating & Air Today

It’s never too early or too late to schedule a seasonal tune-up for your commercial HVAC system. The riskier choice by far is to keep putting off that call. This means that you are only setting yourself up for disaster.

The best way that you can head off an unexpected breakdown of your HVAC system is to have it serviced at least twice each year by the qualified heating and cooling technicians at Delaware Heating & Air.

The benefits of regular HVAC maintenance are many. From lowered energy bills to HVAC components that last for years and years, there are plenty of reasons why it just makes sense to have a technician inspect your HVAC system today.

If it has been a few years since your HVAC system was installed and you haven’t really had much maintenance performed since then, have no fear! Delaware Heating & Air is here to help you avoid disaster, and the cost of a little TLC for your HVAC system is minimal compared with the need to completely replace the system.

Call us today for a free, no-obligation estimate to have seasonal maintenance performed on your commercial HVAC system.